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HT1004 Tractor

Tags: HT1004 Tractor Tractor Wheeled Excavator     Date:2024/07/30

HT1004 Tractor Instruction

The HT1004 Tractor is a high-performance agricultural tractor designed for small to medium-sized farms with the aim of increasing agricultural productivity.
Application Scenarios
Plowing: suitable for various soil types, with different types of plows, it can efficiently complete the task of plowing.
Seeding and fertilizer application: can tow seeders and fertilizer applicators for precise seeding and fertilizer application.
Transportation: Can be used for short-distance transportation within the farm, carrying cargo boxes or other means of transport.

HT1004 Tractor Parameter

Shape 3.4*1.6*2.2

Weifang series brand engine 100hp 

Big TE8+8 shuttle + side shift,030 weighted maintenance-free front axle, upgraded flat floor

Strong pressure two-way rear output 

Front four rear four counterweight

Anti-roll bar (safety bar)

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